School Rep FAQ
1. Q- How do I become a school rep?
A- Each year, your school must select a rep. If you are interested, speak to your principal.
2. Q- Now that I'm a rep, what should I do?
A- You should let other teachers know that you are the school's rep. Let them know that if they have any questions or concerns, you will help them find the answers. You can bring those concerns to the Local meetings, which you should attend so that you can keep up-to-date on what's happening in the NSTU. Also, as you get information, make sure that you let other NSTU members, including your principals, know what's going on. If you have any questions, contact the Local president,
3. Q- Do I have to attend meetings? If so, how often?
A- You should make sure thet your school has representation at every Local meeting. If you cannot make it, try to find an alternate to replace you, or make sure that you contact the Local to find out what you missed.
4. Q- When I go to meetings, what can I claim?
A- Answer coming soon.
5. Q- Why should I get an NSTU email account?
A- Answer coming soon.
6. Q- How do I get an NSTU email account?
A- Answer coming soon.
If you have any questions that you think should be on this website, please contact Jaylene Chase, jmchase@nstuca.